Commercial & Retail

McBraida "fact-finding mission" in Poland

Three members of gcp recently accompanied senior management from McBraida plc on a fact-finding mission to their factory in Rzeszow, Poland. McBraida are a west country precision engineer of aerospace components and a long-standing client of gcp who has been assisting in the defining the company’s long term future development plans.  In 2012 McBraida established their subsidiary factory within the former Soviet aerospace community in eastern Poland.

The visit to the Rzeszow facility was crucial as we work to deliver McBraida’s planned office and factory extension in Bridgeyate, Bristol. It provided valuable insights into their operations. We were impressed by the well-delivered and finished scheme, particularly considering the logistical challenges of distance and language. The McBraida design and construction team in Poland have set a high bar for our scheme in Bristol which is being designed to take the business to the next level operational efficiency and consolidate McBraida in the upper tier of aerospace component manufactures in the southwest, and nationally.

This fact-finding mission has informed our team and will contribute to the successful delivery of the Bristol project. We are excited about the opportunity to continue working with McBraida and bringing their Bristol expansion to life.

Work about to start in St Nick’s Covered Market, Bristol!

gcp has been working with a fantastic team at Bristol City Council to reimagine the central area of the Grade 2* Listed Covered Market in the highly popular St Nicholas Markets.

The Covered Market has not enjoyed the same footfall as other parts of the market; the scheme therefore provides a new destination to encourage visitors to experience the market in its fullness.

The scheme plays with structure, materials, and recesses to create a finely balanced proposal which achieves both commercially viable floorspace and breathing space to a previously cramped site.

2020 Favourites: Office Refit

2020 has been a challenging but exciting year at gcp. Lockdown forced us to temporarily vacate our office in Warmley and learn how to work from home. Rather than forgetting about the office we saw this as an opportunity to refurbish our working environment, not just to make it Covid safe, but also to make it a more pleasant place to work when we all return.

2020 Favourites: Elizabeth House, Holborn







We have really enjoyed the challenges posed by this project to maximise the available lettable space of this office building in central London. Devising a method to add a rear extension and two storeys on the roof where the only access to the site is through a pedestrian archway was an interesting technical challenge requiring close coordination with a great project team
— Tom Mellor, gcp
Elizabeth House London

We asked everyone in the office to name their favourite project of 2020. Tom has chosen Elizabeth House, known in the area as Fulwood Place in Holborn.

Trinity Digs - planning consent secured for providing additional accommodation for desk spaces and kitchen/coffee bar with outdoor seating.

The Trinity Centre occupies the Holy Trinity St Phillip’s, a Grade II* Listed parliamentary church. Originally built in 1832, the church was declared redundant in 1976 and was appropriated for community use in 1977.  Continuing the tradition of a community hub and music venue, the centre today also provides recording and broadcast studios, training around media arts and technology. It also holds a licence to perform civil ceremonies! The centre is run by Trinity Community Arts TCA.

TCA’s mission, which has never been more important than in these really difficult times, is to: “use the Trinity Centre to engage the local community of all ages in imaginative and socially inclusive projects.”

Working on behalf of Trinity Community Arts, gcp secured planning consent to carry out capital improvements so the site can host and support even more community activity. The proposals, developed and approved following several months of consultations with key stakeholders will see customised timber clad containers installed on site, to provide affordable, low-cost, sustainable hot-desk space as a base for community partners, emerging artists and local start-ups. The Digs project has minimal impact on the historic setting of the listed building and aims to release space in the exiting building for additional programme related activities, therefore has the real potential to consolidate the long-term financial resilience of the centre.

Given the Grade II* Listed status of the site planning was complex and demanded working closely with the planning and listed building officers who were keen to minimise the impact of any development on the historic setting. Therefore, the elevations of the listed building have been studied and analysed, leading to the creation of a vertical and horizontal ‘grid’ that informs the timber cladding for the new building.

gcp team is passionate about supporting community groups and voluntary sector organisations, and for over 20 years has helped organisations like TCA make the best used of their assets.

Yule Log

December has brought completion of a couple of our larger commercial projects of 2019.  Elizabeth House was the strip-out, extension and refurbishment of a seven floor office building next to Lincoln’s Inn Fields, City of London.  The project was supervised by Tom Mellor under a traditional contract for long-standing client Courtenay Investments Ltd. Foundation Park is a new sports pavilion for Swindon Town Football Club Foundation Trust on the County Ground site.  The building was rationalised within the parameters of an existing planning consent and the final design features a standing-seam single plane inclined roof giving the building its unique appearance. The construction phase was managed by James Pilling and Martin Spear.

Back in Warmley, the office is now seventeen strong with the arrival of tired ‘new dad’ Tom Hubbard as a senior technician and irrepressible ‘old dad’ Owen Faunt joining recently as our first ever architectural apprentice.  Owen disappears once a week to allegedly attend college at London South Bank University.  He was an insurance underwriter until recently and tells me he is working hard and very much enjoying his change of career.  Thanks for your secret santa present Owen!  Martha Eustace joined us on placement for six months over the summer doing a brilliant job of trying to make head or tail of our new marketing strategy and has now returned to her third year studies at the University of Bath for a well-earned rest.  James Pilling is close to completing his Architecture Part 1 distance learning course and Sarah Makroum has successfully completed her first year architecture Diploma, both at Oxford Brookes University.  Esther Brown is due to qualify as an architect early next year.

Housing projects continue to flourish with large schemes for Acorn at the former Brooks Dyeworks site in Ashley Down with the team very ably led by Siobhan Tarr; for Curo at Henacre Road in Lawrence Weston with Sarah Makroum; for Stonewater at Northwick Farm near Worcester with Olia Kyritsi; and for Mi-Space working for Nationwide in Swindon at Oakfield, a construction phase scheme with Jon Briscoe.  Ranelagh Road in Malvern for Broadway Estates and c-t-s Construction run by Esther Brown and Martin Spear is due to complete in the spring.   

We have also been busy with a couple of individual PassivHaus projects too, achieving completion of Homelands in Dundry, a private house with fantastic views north over Bristol and to the Suspension Bridge and Severn Bridges beyond, and the start on site at Clover Place in Eynsham, Oxfordshire. All in all, we reckon that we have 1,216 individual housing units either on the ‘drawing board’ or under construction, boosted by our continuing programme of refurbishment of mid and high-rise council flats in Bristol co-ordinated in necessary painstaking detail by Michael Hanson.

Work with the England and Wales Cricket Board continues apace with successful completion of phase 1 at Leyton, East London, the conversion of an existing facility to create an indoor cricket centre opened by local legend, Graham Gooch.  Phase 2 in Leyton, run by Matt Bonney and further inner city projects in Bradford and Birmingham are due to come on stream in 2020.

We have also made fantastic progress with our instagram presence, masterminded by Esther Brown, and our blog by Natalie Lock, our long-suffering practice manager. Maria Steward, our office manager, has worked tirelessly to keep us all under some sort of control, usually remembers to pay us on time, and has checked the car park out on a regular basis throughout the year come rain or shine. In Autumn it was announced that we had won the small employer category of the Travelwest Business Travel Awards 2019. Well done everyone who braved the cycle path or waited for a bus over the summer.  The winnings were donated to Mind UK our chosen charity for the year.

On the social side we have tried to organise an event most months during the year with the highlights being a tough ten peaks hike in typically horrendous August weather in the Brecon Beacons; a mid-summer weekend (not) camping, eating, walking, swimming and drinking at Star Cottage on the Devon coast, courtesy of the Mellor family; and a couple of trips to Bath Races to blow the company profits.  The programme for 2020 is already in the planning with talk of axe throwing ( not in the office ) soon after Christmas, a casino night at the wonderful Kings Weston House in the spring, a vineyard visit ( unfortunately only to Somerset ) in the summer and a revival of our successful charity quiz night in the Autumn – bring your torches.

Siobhan Tarr continues to lead on our impressive variety of in house and RIBA organised CPD sessions.  We held a fascinating half day training session recently run by Mind UK, which really brought home our vulnerability to mental ill health at work.    

2019 has been very busy, challenging and rewarding in equal measure and with much more staff involvement in managing and marketing the business.  With our plans to convert to full employee ownership well under way, we have much to look forward to in 2020.  My thanks, as always, go to my fellow directors, Colin Powell and Jon Platt, and to a dedicated hard-working team of very talented individuals.

To our existing clients we hope you will give us the opportunity to work with you again next year and if you have not worked with us before please give us a call and we will do our very best to do a great job for you.

Happy Christmas and New Year to you all.

Jeremy Pilling

Managing Director


Meet the Team: Olia Kyritsi

Images by Olia: The relaxing effect of the Aegean blue, Arabic architecture and the microclimate of open spaces, Getting lost in the colourful souks of Marrakesh

Architect Olia Kyritsi joined gcp last year at the start of a very busy summer period. Olia has 6 years working experience on residential, retirement living and commercial schemes, workspaces and leisure centres.

She holds a MArch from the National Technical University of Athens and an MSC on Environmental Design of Buildings from the Welsh School of Architecture.

Olia is celebrating her first-year anniversary this week so we took a little bit of time to find out more about her.  



Hey Olia. Let’s jump right in with what inspired you to pursue architecture.

The idea that I will be an artist and an engineer at the same time…

So, if you weren’t an architect, what do you think you would you be?

Possibly a mathematician who writes cooking books in her spare time.

And an answer like that is exactly what makes you such a fun and interesting member of the team! How about your best moment at gcp in the last year?

Accepting the job offer and joining the gcp family.

I forgot to add delightful to the list above! You’ve brought a cheerful and calming influence to our side of the office for sure.

Tell us, what do you like to do in your spare time? Travelling in order to explore new cultures or cooking for friends.

And what’s your proudest personal achievement?

Surviving through my 7 year-long architectural studies.

We are pleased you did and even more so that you accepted the offer of joining our gang! Thanks for your time today Olia, just to finish could you tell us something we might not know about you?

My wardrobe is colour coordinated…


Olia has been working closely with Jeremy Pilling this year on Bristol Down’s iconic Water Tower. She has been involved in our ongoing work at Trinity Community Arts Centre and working with Fare Share on their office redevelopment. Outside of her architectural work in the office, Olia attends many local CPD’s, industry talks and networking, connect on linked in if you’d like to catch up with her at an event.

Olia is a keen photographer and is often seen taking pictures at our gcp enrichment, industry and social events.

Keep an eye on our blog for more staff interviews over the coming weeks, the summer is a popular time to join our team!

Iconic water tower to get a face lift

The Iconic Durdham Down Water Tower

The Iconic Durdham Down Water Tower

Durdham Down Tower is known to generations of Bristolians simply as the Water Tower.  Built in 1954 for Bristol Water it stands at the highest point for miles around and is due for a major overhaul later this year.  gcp has been appointed to design and co-ordinate the refurbishment which comprises extensive concrete repairs externally and lining internally as well as reroofing, improving access and safety for routine maintenance.  A substantial amount of telecoms equipment will be relocated to scaffold during the works which will last 16 weeks and complete by November. This is the latest of a number of projects gcp has carried out for Bristol Water over the last twenty-five years.

The Water Tower

The Water Tower

2018 Recap & Merry Christmas !

Henacre Road, Bristol

During 2018, gcp has been continuing to work with Courtenay Investments on the strip back to shell refurbishment and extension of their 1950’s office block in Holborn, Central London.  Enabling works are now complete and construction work proper will commence in Q1 2019.

Elizabeth House, Holborn

Four schemes have been progressing in Lawrence Weston in North West Bristol with ongoing design work for Ambition Lawrence Weston, Pioneer Medical Group and Bristol City Council to try and bring the vision of a community hub building to fruition.  We are also working with social landlord Curo at Henacre Road and Corbett Close.  The 128 home scheme at Henacre Road will be on site by Easter next year following a painstaking search for any unexploded ordnance scheduled for the New Year.  The fourth scheme is for Bristol City Council to the rear of the Ridingleaze shops where we will have designed nine houses for social rent.

Henacre Road, Bristol

We have also been working on an inner-city housing scheme for Acorn Property Group at Brooks Dye Works in St. Werburghs, Bristol (106 units) and large rural schemes for Lindon Homes near Long Ashton (103 units for phase 1) and Stonewater at Northwick Farm near Worcester (62 units).

The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) has been working with us on the development of their Urban Cricket Centre Concept, designed to bring playing opportunities to some of the most deprived post codes across East London, Birmingham and Bradford. The opening of the first site in East London is scheduled to coincide with the Cricket World Cup 2019.

ECB Urban Cricket Centre Concept

Halsall Construction continue to be a great supporter with design for projects completed at Silver Street in Willand and Station Road in Castle Carey.  In Swindon we have been working with the football club’s community trust to bring about the construction of a new pavilion building to support their new artificial turf pitch at the County Ground site.  In Malvern we have just secured planning consent for fourteen homes for c-t-s Construction and Broadway Heritage Ltd on the edge of a local conservation area in the grounds of a former convent.

Swindon Town Football in the Community Trust, Community Club Hub

It only remains for me on behalf of the Directors to express our warmest thanks to the staff, clients and fellow consultants who have made 2018 the most successful in our now 31 year history!

Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year to you all.


Jeremy Pilling

Managing Director

gcp chartered Architects

David Murray John Building, the Number One Wonder of Swindon

David Murray John tower block above the Brunel Centre

A feasibility study to explore potential redevelopment options for the David Murray John Building, an iconic 21 storey 1970’s tower block in the centre of Swindon situated above the Brunel Shopping Centre. Known as the Number One Wonder of Swindon, originally designed and built by the local authority, the building has over 3,500 sq metres of office accommodation on floors 2 to 13 and 72 flats from floors 14 to 21 flats. The office accommodation has been vacant for several years, the cladding has come to the end of its economic life and the services installations needs a major overhaul.

The study investigates a range of interventions including complete recladding and a wide range of alternative uses. The report sits with the council awaiting further instruction.

planning in the city

Elizabeth House, London SW1

Detailed planning has been submitted by gcp Chartered Architects for the redevelopment of a 1960’s office building in the heart of the city of London, just off High Holborn.

The project comprises of adding two new floors on top of a four-storey concrete framed building on an extremely confined site accessed via a doorway off High Holborn 2.5m wide and 5.2m high. The challenge of this limited access has driven all the design decisions for the scheme.

The project for Courtenay Investments Limited will be developed to CAT A Standards and will feature 16,700 sq ft of office space over 6 floors designed to offer maximum flexibility in letting.  It will be a significant improvement on the current very tired building that offers only 11,500 sq ft of poor quality office space.

The scheme is due to start on site in Spring 2018 with a planned completion by December 2019.

Elizabeth House, London SW1

Elizabeth House, London SW1

J3 up for placemaking award!

Urbanism Award Logo

The ground breaking J3 housing led mixed use development on the edge of Bristol has made the shortlist for the prestigious Academy of Urbanism Awards 2018. J3 has been shortlisted in The Great Neighbourhood category alongside some truly internationally recognised schemes such as the Byker Wall in Newcastle, The Barbican in London and Park Hill flats in Sheffield. Look out for the announcement of the finalists to be made on April 26th and final awards to be made at the Awards Ceremony on 8th November in London.

J3 is a partnership scheme between the principal partners, Knightstone Housing Association and Bristol City Council. gcp acted as the catalyst for the scheme, bring the development forwarded by brokering the partnership between the founding partners and devising a delivery mechanism that could cope with the complex funding cocktail required.

Completion: 155 Aztec West, Bristol

After: what the building looks like now works are complete

gcp Chartered Architects would like to congratulate Rydon Construction on the successful completion of Cat A+works at 155 Aztec West, Bristol.  The project was managed by BNP Paribas Real Estate for the institutional owner.  The project involved replacement of all windows and mechanical and electrical services as well as the introduction of a new shower area.  The entrance has been greatly enhanced with the addition of a new entrance lobby extension with a new boardroom at first floor.

Before: outside 155 Aztec West, Bristol

Place, Time + Architecture (Bristol)

Image: Frances Gard. The Trinity Centre, Bristol

A lot has happened since the Architecture Centre first opened its doors onto Narrow Quay in 1996. Trace the changes in Bristol over the past two decades along a timeline that focuses on how significant buildings, places and people have shaped the city. Look ahead to consider what the future might be for one of the city’s most contested places – Castle Park – and find out about the different elements that contribute to making a successful place.
— The Architecture Centre Programme, Celebrating 20 Years, Autumn 2016

The Architecture Centre is celebrating 20 years of people and places in Bristol with their exhibition running between 9 September & 13 November 2016.

Three projects we have been involved in feature in this exhibit: Trinity, J3 and Filwood Green.

Beautiful images taken by Frances Gard, check out her website or follow her on twitter.

Image: Frances Gard. J3, Bristol




#HealthyBristol: another great event !

Healthy Bristol community event

Another busy morning discussing #health #wellbeing and #productivity in the workplace. Delighted to be able to hold this in the recently completed Bristol Water HQ. Such an inspiring place and right-on message for this seminar !

We've had a great time participating in Healthy City Week 2016 - a roundup of the weeks' events written by our very own James Pilling to follow soon.

Follow Bristol Green Capital on Twitter.

Healthy Bristol community event

RICS Awards: Bristol Water

gcp are delighted that the recently completed scheme to extend and refurbish Bristol Water’s 1960’s Headquarters Building at Bedminster Down has won an RICS Award.

At the ceremony on 18 May 2016 the building was highly commended in the Commercial Buildings Category.

gcp is currently involved  in a feasibility on a very similar project in central Bristol where a scheme double the size of the building to accommodate 650 staff is being considered.

To discuss your office refurbishment project, please contact Jeremy Pilling.

Bristol Water HQ Deli

Bristol Water - Highly Commended

Life and Stairwell at Bristol Water HQ

Just last night Bristol Water Headquarters was Highly Commended in the Commercial category of the RICS awards 2016. 

This award honours an outstanding commercial property development whether retail, office, leisure, industrial or mixed use.

It furthers gcp's accolades at this event -  J3 was winner in the Regeneration category last year.


2016 RICS Award

Bristol Water Headquarters nominated for BCO award !

Reception area at Bristol Water HQ

We are really excited to announce that gcp's extension and refurbishment of the iconic Bristol Water Headquarters building has been nominated for a British Council for Offices Regional Award!

The winner will be announced later this week at the Regional Awards Ceremony.

We have changed the way we work and are more flexible in how we use our space, much tidier than we used to be and the building seems to have gained the respect of our people as somewhere to enjoy working.
— Jeff Sell, Senior Project Manager, Bristol Water